Aretium -> Oasis GPX Strings (Nov. 20 2016 19:59:11)
So I gave these a try because they got rave reviews on delcamp. Carbon trebles, high tension. I had a few slips during stringing which I didn't with other carbon strings. The b string has a little intonation trouble at the 12th fret. The basses are really nice, I prefer them to daddario. Cant compare to the savarez aj500 as I haven't used them in a while. The trebles feel like carbon, nice e string. They are much warmer than other carbon strings and not as bright and powerful as others. My guitar needs bright trebles. The g string was ok, normal really compared to nylons so I wouldn't use this string for the g. More complex than other strings. All in all, probably great for a classical guitarist, but I require a little more brightness in the trebles. Still really like them though.