BarkellWH -> RE: Does anyone own the Almoraima score book? (Aug. 23 2016 13:59:50)
I'm not trying to rip anyone off, I'm willing to pay for a digital copy as well, I'm just trying to find if there is a non- paper alternative to this book, for sale or free. A simple yes or no would suffice. Sounds like a no, so I will buy a hard copy. I wasn't trying to start a dialogue over the ethics of downloading information from the internet. Got it, Gabewolf. Your initial post seemed to suggest it, but I understand where you're coming from on this now. I am a strong supporter of what is normally termed Intellectual Property Rights, i.e., observing the terms of copyrighting of books, albums, CDs, films, etc. There are too many people who have no talent or creativity themselves but are perfectly willing to rip off those who do. And to push back against this form of theft is not to be a member of the "Flamenco Police," as has been suggested. Taking it one step further, and aside from Intellectual Property Rights, there have been instances on the Foro of people wanting Foro members to satisfy their desire for "instant gratification," instead of working toward their goal themselves. We have had someone who claimed to have a broken guitar and was trying to cadge a "free" guitar from our luthiers. We have had at least a couple of instances of attempting to solicit "kickstarter" funding to finance trips and flamenco study in Spain, offering "lessons" in return. I place all of this under the rubric of "Scamenco." Scamenco seems to be thriving, and it occasionally enlists the efforts of Foro members in trying to further its aims. Fortunately, most recognize it for what it is. Welcome to the Foro. Bill