El Kiko -> Where the hell is everybody from???? (Jun. 18 2016 17:59:27)
Here is something that kinda bugs me ... and it came up with Our dear Ron that got on to a few people , including me ... there are hundreds of members here and new ones every so often ...yet the vast majority never put anything on there profile to give some kinda clue as to location.... not country , or even hemisphere.. I dont mean you have to put your post code and GPS co-ordinates on but country and kinda area....maybe .. I mean if you are on here its cos you are involved with flamenco in some form or another , playing , singing , making guitars etc ... . . And people always ask things like ...i going to Spain , where can i go to find flamenco players and learn? ,,,etc etc ... yet, some of you could have the chance , if you so wanted , to meet people who may not be that far from you ... but we never know cos its never there to see ....is everybody that embarassed about the country they reside in ?? or just too lazy and cant be assed to type in anything .. i put on mine , Ireland (now , although i'm not irish ) , i have met a few people from here , if i get a message from one of them i can be more specific about my location knowing that they may know it ..ish ... thats ok ... All i see is this ...and I'm reading between the lines ... . hi i'm a newbie ,,,and i want to learn everything , and be great ,and want you to take me seriously and teach me all you stuff and send TABS etc ... but in return I just cant quite be bothered to say where i'm from or anything at all ..thank you ... ,..... the lethargic apathy absolutely does bug me .... I think it should be 'urged to complete ' something in order to be here... really End RANT..........