Richard Jernigan -> RE: What side are you on??? (Dec. 20 2015 1:22:04)
ORIGINAL: estebanana ...seriously, you would think Japan is an easy place to get things, but it's very difficult to get English language films here, other than Disney crap blockbusters. When I lived in Palo Alto my Japanese girlfriend and I were regulars at the art film houses in San Francisco. She lived at the top of Twin Peaks in the City, with the view down Market Street all the way to the Ferry Building. She referred to Palo Alto as "the farm." So I was surprised when she said she wanted to see "The Lady and the Tramp" when it was revived at the big cinema in Mountain View. She was usually the high culture, maybe kind of snooty girl. I didn't immediately display enthusiasm, so she started telling me about the famous people voicing various characters. To please her, we went. It was in the afternoon, a lot of kids with their parents. Afterward we were sitting in a sidewalk cafe in Palo Alto, while she went on about the film. I finally hinted that Disney was often seen as a perhaps a little kitschy in the USA. She said, "In Japan Disney's a big cultural thing! There are university courses studying his stuff, academic people write books about Disney." But that was the old-time Disney, I guess: Snow White, etc. RNJ