Solea rasgueados (Full Version)

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carlos soto -> Solea rasgueados (Dec. 14 2005 22:18:28)

I've been working with a solea and I want to know how you guys aproach the solea rasgueado in F, It's usually quintuplets starting with the 4(small right hand finger)then 3 2 1 1
My aproach is to practice it with the accents in groups of 3 2 feel and a 2 3 feel, I think 3 2 gives it a little more flow, this could also be aplied to tremolo...what you think would be the best aproach??

sorin popovici -> RE: Solea rasgueados (Dec. 15 2005 0:18:10)

ok , my experience on e (dn) a(dn) m(dn) i(dn) i(up).

dont know the answer ,didnt get too much thought to this .I think my 5 stroke (eamii) rasgueados,are smth like a 3 2 ,e a m .. i i .I pause intentionally a little between the eam
and the ii,i didnt study like this ..just like to start the rasgueado slow and then the last i i strokes to do it fast(it's like i dont know ...smth like (what's the word) ritardando).
I guess that it's aplyable to tremolo and this is a good point ...probably this will be
what some call it "letting it breath" .

good continuous rasgueado would be nice too ...I mean two 5 stroke rasgueado without
feeling the interruptions between the first quintuplet and the second one would be cool too.
,I cant do this very properly ...cause I dont study this at the moment,but in the
Dennis Koster's "keys to flamenco" he says to practice like this :
Eam Iie Ami Iea Mii.So practice 3 five stroke rasgueado, like 5 three rasgueados(the
capitalized letters shows how the accents must be placed).This should help
u to be able to accentuate with every finger.I tried that and it is getting better,so
that's good advice to me.But there is another catch if u really want to have it
the sound continuous.

for example this solea example (the first bar of a soleares )
e a m i i e a m i i and i i

If u succeed to hit the strings like that ....he says u'll get
more continuous rasgueados.That's his advice and I believe him
but I also believe , u got to spend some time to polish this
rasgueado...and I dont wanna do that now.

Miguel de Maria -> RE: Solea rasgueados (Dec. 15 2005 13:49:00)

What Koster said is true, if you don't hit the i string like you wrote, it makes a big difference. You also should practice the eamii in different rhythms such as triplets, sixteenths, eighths to get more control.

sorin popovici -> RE: Solea rasgueados (Dec. 15 2005 14:34:16)

yes , that's really the hard part ...on your way up not to hit the 2 string.

Patrick -> RE: Solea rasgueados (Dec. 15 2005 16:59:00)

I think you guys are complicating this thing way too much. I just do a continuous four or five stroke, finished with an ā€œIā€ downstroke on the C then the same on the F.

E a m i i E a m i i I i


A m i i A m i i I i

Bold letters are the beats with the accent falling on the down stroke I. It falls perfect in the count and you get a nice down stroke with the ā€œI ā€œ on the accent. The last "i" is an upstroke on the "and" of beat 3.

sorin popovici -> RE: Solea rasgueados (Dec. 16 2005 0:35:24)

I dont think so , that's what I initially thought ...but believe or not , things like that
can be controlled.And it's very logic to be this way ,all u do with Eam Iie Ami Iea Mii
is just play triolets in another way, there is no reason why it should not sound right
After all , you do the same thing when u practice tresillos only that u use p a i or whatever.
That exercise is good for making your hand to be able to accentuate when u want to.
Sure,it looks scary but 5*3=3*5 that's almost kindergarden math.So practice
three 5 stroke rasgueados as a five 3 rasgueados(sounds like a joke....btw after that
practice 2,14285714...*7=15 [:)] )

All this discussions arent about if it can be done's about will the effort pay off eventually
,will u play better if u invest some time in these exercises?For me ..this helped IMHO.

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