Flamenco Ghost story (Full Version)

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Guest -> Flamenco Ghost story (Nov. 15 2005 7:54:35)

[:o] this story starts on a cold windy night, the kind of wind that cuts straight to the bone. she was standing on the balcony of her home waiting for the return of her beloved husband. her name was pepper and she was a beutiful and talented flamenco dancer. her husband had left on business and was due to return more than ten hours ago. as she stood there all alone she felt in the deepest reaches of her soul that something was terribly wrong. as her eyes desperately searched the horizon for any sight of her husband a knock was made upon her door. her heart sank as she was expecting no visiters, and her husband certainly wouldnt tap upon the door. as she made her way down the spiral staircase that ajourned the entrance she heard again; tap, tap, tap each one louder than the other. 'who is it that disturbs me at this ungodley hour' she sceamed, for her emotions had betrated her. she new inside her heart, this was the bearer of ill tidings. 'im terribly sorry to disturb you my lady, but i must speak with you, its a matter of great urgancy, and i assure you, you need to now' came a voice from behind the door. 'unless you are my husband begone from my abode' she replied barely able to finish the sentance. 'thats just it my lady, your husband been caught up in a terrible accident on the warf my lady, im afraid he has perished' his voice faded as if the last word was in some way forbidding. 'begone frome my abode and never return' she screamed. she new it was true before he had even arrived. 'are you going to be alright my lady' came the voice with an air of geuine concern. 'begone, begone' she screamed with the rage of fifty starving lions, she heard no more. all was lost now, no desire, no passion, her love was gone. her husbands face vividly in her mind gave her comfort for she knew that they could never really be seperated, he was still in her heart, in her soul. she climbed back up those stars, round and round, each revoloution seemed to take a century each footstep a lifetime. she walked out onto the balcony, as if beckoned to do so. looking outward, toward the moons full glow she contimplated her life together with him. 'we will never be apart my love' she wispered into the night. still looking upon the illustrious glow of the beaming full moon she made her way onto the balcony railing. standing upon the rail, her long red dress blowing viciously in the cold wind, arms outstreched looking towards the sky there was something poetic about her silloette, as if frozen in time. needless to say she too perished that night, but legend has it that she can still be heard some nights on that balcony, dancing siguiriya in futile lament for her beloved husband.

Guest -> RE: Flamenco Ghost story (Nov. 16 2005 4:14:40)

[sm=lol.gif]Your've gotta be kidding me, somebody has way toooooooo much time on their hands.

Guest -> RE: Flamenco Ghost story (Nov. 23 2005 23:46:08)

I gotta be honest with ya, im not feelin the duende with that one. I would liken that to having front row seats at a Kenny G concert.[:(]

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