With your interest in Indian classical music you most probably have heard of Shawn Lane already, but here it is none the less...
Part 1:
Part 2:
Erik van Goch -> RE: Microtonal guitar (Jul. 23 2013 14:21:25)
I met Tolgahan in person at Rotterdam Conservatory and was allowed to play the instrument he is playing in above post (after he played us a couple of very beautiful microtonal folk songs).... i totally loved it.
There's been a small surge in microtonal guitars in the electric realm the past couple of years. More and more guys picking them up and experimenting. Kind of like when 7 and 8 string guitars first hit.
It doesn't get any better than Shawn Lane. Hard to believe he's been gone for 10 years.
Rod Poole played a guitar which had been refretted in the intonation of a Pythagorean scale/set of intervals which is also found in Persian music.
The picture above is a reproduction of his guitar.
Unfortunately, there's no real Rod Poole guitar on Youtube or online. He made two solo albums each with one track, each over 45 minutes long, both out of print.
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There is good vibrato and not so good vibrato. Good vibrato goes clearly a half step above target. We don’t do this on the guitar, it is for singing only. There are no deliberate microtones going on in flamenco singing, and therefore we don’t need it in the guitar. If this concept is to do a fusion with proper Turkish Makkam, etc., more power to him. But it is fusion, not Flamenco. Just like when paco used the IUD on Almoraima.
I slowed down Caracol with very little comments years ago, to refute this specific example that he used microtonal singing deliberately. It is chromatic not microtonal. The only bending I did was one the TONIC NOTE, which is never done in microtonal singing. He was doing vibrato flat of target, which makes him actually sound flat relative to the guitar. This is not an opinion, ask any Opera coach and check various examples yourself, any musical style (western music).
I am even more frustrated with that guy gone viral from the Manolo Sanlucar documentary where he claims “Féria” and “flamenco” are Arabic words….people totally buy into that erroneous claim of an obvious non-expert.
I am even more frustrated with that guy gone viral from the Manolo Sanlucar documentary where he claims “Féria” and “flamenco” are Arabic words….people totally buy into that erroneous claim of an obvious non-expert.
In Arabic countries ferias don’t fare so well.
Everyone knows Phlegmenco comes from a name connection to the Flamengos of the Low Lands.
Everyone knows Phlegmenco comes from a name connection to the Flamengos of the Low Lands.
Yes. Everyone that knows Spanish and Spain history…which is basically nobody. [8|] I mean I can’t even understand how a Spaniard could think 4 syllable “Feh-lah-Men-Kub” could ever morph into 3 “Fla-Men-co”, because, simply, Arabs once lived there. It is very strange IMO. However, Richard Feynman did say that the EASIEST person to fool, is yourself.