Richard Jernigan -> RE: Phagocata Flamenca (Feb. 17 2013 22:11:49)
ORIGINAL: Erik van Goch Some sources advice against outdoor swimming in the company of (or preceding contact with) inflatable sex dolls, so as long as you avoid that potentially lethal combination i guess everything will be just fine....they're not so spooky as they look :-) In the USA San Francisco is often regarded as in the avant garde of sexual customs. There used to be a shop at the corner of Geary Street and Van Ness selling sexual toys and appliances. For months, maybe longer, the marquee above the door read, "Inflatable Plastic Sheep $39.95." Each time I drove by, I thought, "Who in the world would want an inflatable plastic sheep?" Then one day enlightenment struck. I found a parking space, bought a sheep, packed it up with a suitably inscribed card and mailed it to my former boss. RNJ