Bulerias en si (Drop B tuning) (Full Version)

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Neotriz -> Bulerias en si (Drop B tuning) (Feb. 7 2013 1:50:29)

Hi guys, it's been awhile since I was here. Hows everyone doing?

Anyway, I got myself into learning bulerias en si. However, I don't know many bulerias songs that plays in drop b tuning.

I was wondering if anyone can drop off few songs, or even falsetas. I've only aware of Ramon Jeminez, El Viejin and Jesus del Rosario

many thanks!

rombsix -> RE: Bulerias en si (Drop B tuning) (Feb. 7 2013 2:24:38)

Neotriz -> RE: Bulerias en si (Drop B tuning) (Feb. 7 2013 19:12:23)

as always, thanks for the response rombsix. I sent you an email regarding with the video (assuming that's your email)

Erik van Goch -> RE: Bulerias en si (Drop B tuning) (Feb. 7 2013 20:26:45)

An old class mate of mine used to play a bulerias in B in the 80ties (normal tuning). I couldn't find the original solo track but he re-used parts of it in this bulerias called solano. So same key, different (normal) tuning.


KMMI77 -> RE: Bulerias en si (Drop B tuning) (Feb. 7 2013 20:38:32)

Here is some tangos in that tuning from Jose Tanaka

Neotriz -> RE: Bulerias en si (Drop B tuning) (Feb. 8 2013 19:19:25)

Hey KMMI77, I was actually inspired to learn bulerias en si because of Tanaka's tangos [;)]

I've actually learned that falseta. I wonder if he has a new one on his website..

Adam -> RE: Bulerias en si (Drop B tuning) (Feb. 8 2013 21:52:50)

Neotriz, were you there the week Jorge taught us his seguiriya in drop B? It's really beautiful.

Neotriz -> RE: Bulerias en si (Drop B tuning) (Feb. 8 2013 23:43:53)

Yeah but unfortunately all of my videos that was recorded are gone because my external driver died on me :(

Adam -> RE: Bulerias en si (Drop B tuning) (Feb. 9 2013 2:54:43)

Well, you know who to e-mail about getting those replaced.......

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