What makes this a Buleria? (Full Version)

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eg.czerny -> What makes this a Buleria? (Jan. 4 2013 0:33:37)

From the Carlos Saura film "Flamenco"
Lola Y Manuel "Un Cuento Para Mi Nino"
I really like this piece, but what makes it a Buleria? I only play about a half dozen different palos but Buleria isn't one of them, so I know squat about it. Maybe I find Buleria in general too fast so this one really throws me. It sounds to me like a typical 12 count campas so at this tempo if they had said Soleares I would say OK, different but nice. I know I am rhythmically challenged which may be another reason I shy away from Buleria. Solea, Siguiriyas, Alegrias, no problem, but Buleria I have never understood.
I know, I know, you can't play flamenco if you can't play a Buleria but here I am. Forty five years of flamenco and no Buleria.
I have wondered about this for a good long time so why not ask?

Pimientito -> RE: What makes this a Buleria? (Jan. 4 2013 9:40:23)


Solea, Siguiriyas, Alegrias, no problem, but Buleria I have never understood.

All the twelve beat forms are related. If you can play Alegrias then you can and probably have been playing Bulerias. The main difference is the key of the music.
This piece is a bulerias because its counted 12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
Its more difficult to hear in this song because
1. Its played in A minor so the chords dont change in the same place that you would expect in A phrygian.
2. This is played at a very slow tempo indeed and its hard initially to hear the compas.
3. He is not keeping strict compas. Some of the phrasing is stretched to match the song and there are some half compas added. Its an older style of playing and nowadays Flamenco musicians tend to keep more strict compas in Bulerias wheras Solea, Siguirilla and Farruca can have more free timing.

Ricardo -> RE: What makes this a Buleria? (Jan. 4 2013 14:02:20)

The rhythm is the basic thing that makes it buleria. More specifically, since simply the term "buleria" refers to the cante form where short letras are improvised, you could call this "buleria cuple" .... a type of buleria singing where its actually a full cancion or song, not improvised unrelated lyrics. This one happens to be on the slow side. Another slow minor key buleria would be M. Sanlucar's "de muleta". As Mark said, the tempo makes a difference but buleria derives from Solea, as does Alegria.

eg.czerny -> RE: What makes this a Buleria? (Jan. 5 2013 4:23:12)

Thanks Mark. I will listen to this a few more times trying to fit it into the proper count you mentioned. Knowing that it's A minor will help.

Thanks Ricardo. The M. Sanlucar video to me is more understandably a buleria even with a slower tempo. The palmas say a lot. The "buleria cuple" idea has added some clarity.

Buleria just has my number. I feel intimidated by it. I don't even end my solea with it. While I enjoy it I have never been able to "feel" the rhythm like a siguiriyas for instance which I find myself subconsciously tapping out at the oddest times, in public and in private.
I have some good buleria transcriptions from Alain Faucher, but if I don't feel the rhythm, don't fully understand the compas, I am not really playing a buleria.
This is a good piece and worth another go.
Thanks again.

Erik van Goch -> RE: What makes this a Buleria? (Jan. 5 2013 20:06:00)

Enjoyed the record version of De Muleta over and over again back then...never saw this version from Muzz.....was it part of a whole Sanlucar concert?

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