Ruphus -> RE: My Francisco Barba has seen better days! (Nov. 7 2012 21:36:55)
ORIGINAL: xirdneH_imiJ there must be something done against airlines constantly breaking instruments, it makes me think those workers are doing it on purpose...(even if you give it to them at the door, there's no stopping them throwing it forcefully in the back when you're not around anymore) there is no way in hell i'm ever letting them touch my guitar... I am of the impression too as if baggage guys were specially channeling off their frustration on instrument cases. Could be they like to emphasize a fragile manly being by dismissing musicians as pussies, or so. What certainly remains is indee dthat they are too commonly damaging instruments since decades and world wide without airport admins feeling tempted to take special action, which in fact should be easy. However, keeping wages and social contributions low / at the edge of revolts / hence with no reserves to restrict from vandalism, might just be financially more attractive to airport managers and airlines than to prevent customers´reimbursement, which again in most cases will be routingly rejected anyway. [:@] - The snapping off of headstocks appears to be a typical freight damage to guitars, celli etc. caused by mass moment of inertia, when the headtsock is not supported. Richard´s case and socks are the right antidote. Crumpled newspaper is good too, as I learned from Frank Ford´s website which is a useful blog anyway. Ruphus