The drama and excitement of Miguel de Maria (Full Version)

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Miguel de Maria -> The drama and excitement of Miguel de Maria (Jun. 23 2005 19:58:12)

I was informed by my wife that her hairdresser's friend will be having her baby to the soothing sounds of your very own Miguel de Maria. Apparently, Dion, her haidresser, had my 5 song demo CD and played it for her clients, and one of them found it so relaxing that she felt it could even assuage the pain of childbirth. This is one of those two-edged compliments, I guess. You're music is so beautiful/boring that it will put me to sleep in one of the most stressful situations in my life. Actually I will take it as a great priviledge to be present in spirit at the birth of a human being, a fount of potential. If he does well, we can call it the Miguel Effect.

Ron.M -> RE: The drama and excitement of Miguel de Maria (Jun. 23 2005 21:19:50)


I'm not joking...this is a unique business opportunity!
Make a CD of some especially soothing tunes and market them on QVC at only $9.99 as MdM's guide to beautiful childbirth, with a lovely mother and baby theme on the cover.
"Give your child the opportunity to awaken to life accompanied by the rich and soothing musical tones of MdM.....would you give yourself or your child anything less?"
Get a few gushy endorsements and I think you've got it made amigo!
Nothing more to do than to play a little guitar from time to time and plan your 16 bedroom architect built villa in Marbella!



Thomas Whiteley -> RE: The drama and excitement of Miguel de Maria (Jun. 23 2005 21:52:49)


I can suggest the sequel – “Sounds of motherhood”! Yes, as a mother to be is experiencing childbirth and listening to your music you record the sounds of the mother.

I think that soon the population will no longer increase! [:D]

Doitsujin -> RE: The drama and excitement of Miguel de Maria (Jun. 24 2005 16:40:56)

Was it a granaina-birth odr a bulerias-birth?^^ And it didnt cry right? The first word was,. aaaayyyyyyyyyyyy.... hehe

Miguel de Maria -> RE: The drama and excitement of Miguel de Maria (Jun. 24 2005 17:04:45)

I predict it will say "Li lo li lo"!

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