Pocket-sized recorder with speaker??? (Full Version)

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britguy -> Pocket-sized recorder with speaker??? (Sep. 21 2011 21:29:11)

I put this in the "recording" forum a few days ago, but not one single response. Maybe someone in here can help?

I'm looking everywhere for a small recorder that has the 'slowdown-retain pitch' feature to help learn new material, and also has a speaker volume sufficient to hear when driving in my vehicle.

So far the only models I have seen have a tiny speaker with minimal volume that can barely be heard even when held up to the ear. The sales people tell me there is no such animal as what I'm looking for, and I should use headphones or external speakers if I need more volume. Is this really true?

Some years ago I had a cheap pocket-sized micro-cassette recorder that had excellent playback volume. Why not a modern digital equivalent? Is there really no small recorder with good playback volume available any more? Hard to believe, but. . .???

Anybody help me out here?

I really need one right now. . .

changue -> RE: Pocket-sized recorder with speaker??? (Sep. 21 2011 22:51:32)

I just got a Zoom H1. The build quality is not great but it is really easy to use and has a little speaker and a headphone output. You can record to .mp3 or .wav, plug it in with USB and drag and drop the files. I like it.

HolyEvil -> RE: Pocket-sized recorder with speaker??? (Sep. 23 2011 22:00:27)

another point for the iphone. you can record with it and play back with a slow downner app as well.. there are many free slowdowning apps in the store.

maybe you can look into it?


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