John O. -> What can happen if you overdo it... (Jun. 14 2011 7:51:47)
...somehow on topic, as I know flamencos tend to overdo it [;)] I need to rant about this right now, no better place than here, I guess. So the (very basic and simple) weight training I did to compensate for my bad back together with guitar playing did quite a bit of damage. I've had this sh*t for about three months now and, although much better than at the beginning, it's still with me on a daily basis. Tennis arm, both arms, inner and outer side, according to the doctor not dangerous, but very painful. The more I play, the more pain I have the next day. I never have to play with pain, thank god. I took four weeks off and it completely went away, started playing again and it creeped back, not nearly as bad, though. By now my left arm can handle me playing the whole day, the right outer elbow is still causing problems, but any physical therapy I do for my shoulders makes both arms burn like hell from the shoulder through the biceps down to the wrists for up to 3 days after. Guitar playing is now my only income, so I can't really afford another break. I haven't practiced a minute this past month (though I can still play just as always) and am just going from rehearsal to rehearsal and show, playing as little as possible, constantly paranoid about what I'm doing to myself, been having a lot of anxiety and depression. The orthopedist I was at told me not to worry, I'll just have to "juggle" with playing and breaks until it's gone, which can take 1-2 years. It's only pain, there's no damage involved. Next month the schools are closed for 6 weeks, 2 of those I'm on vacation and I won't be playing at all, hopefully it'll get even better. Tomorrow I'll be trying acupuncture. This can happen to anyone and it sneaks up on you without warning, I've talked to so many guitarists by now who have had something similar, dancers too (from palmas or castañuelas). Stretch before you play, focus on good posture and gentle ways to build up muscle strength to prevent tendon strain. These are all things I did wrong and now I'm stuck with this crap...