constructordeguitarras -> RE: Golpeador (Mar. 2 2013 17:38:13)
I would also be interested to know how well it sticks over Tru Oil, so please share your results here. There are both kinds of golpeadors available. I get the sticky-backed kind from and other people buy 0.011" thick Mylar and glue it on with thinned white glue. I like to use the sticky-backed kind and I have found that if I cut a long straight edge on it with a knife, then that edge doesn't stick down as well as if I use scissors, so I just score it with the knife to get the straightness and then cut out the whole thing with scissors. I found this European source with a Google search: There are two ways I know of for attaching the sticky-back kind. The way I prefer is to leave the covering over the sticky side and tape it in place along one long edge. Then I flip it over, using the tape as a hinge, and begin to pull off the covering from that edge. Then I flip it back to the normal position and start pressing the starting edge down, and pull some more of the covering off and press down some more until it is done. Another way is to put a drop of liquid dish detergent in a cup of water in a spray bottle and lightly spray the area to receive the golpeador. Remove the covering from the sticky side and put the golpeador on the guitar. The water makes it possible to slide it around into the position you want. Squeegy it down and wipe up any water that is squeezed out. It will look terrible, but leave it overnight and it will look fine in the morning. Even on shellac.