Falseta Swop Shop? (Full Version)

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henrym3483 -> Falseta Swop Shop? (Dec. 31 2010 16:05:36)

got to thinking about a new thread yesterday, and i kinda came across the idea that as flamenco's we're kinda like a bunch of musical stamp/coin collectors for melodies and ideas.

so how about we setup a thread for "swopping" falsetas you can either upload or youtube or in audio or whatever way you feel most comfortable to get the falseta across.

so someone puts up a request and what they can swop for.

kinda like noel edmmonds swop shop less the naff jumpers and bad 80's tv [:D][:D] (for those who didnt grow up in the 80's or have no idea what im on about check this out http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/classic/swapshop/intro.shtml)

rombsix -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Dec. 31 2010 17:16:48)

Anyone interested in swapping some puro falsetas for some rumba stuff? [8D][:D]

Ron.M -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Dec. 31 2010 18:21:21)

Excellent idea Henry!!

I like it.

Full speed plus a slowmo version.

(Hey...that's how folk learn in Andalucia)




henrym3483 -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Dec. 31 2010 23:33:09)

ok i'll get the ball rolling

looking for some tientos falsetas involving picado and pulgar.

can swop a nice intro por tarantas or some siguiriyas material [;)]

KMMI77 -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 0:15:00)

I think this is a good idea also.

I have lots of falsetas that i would be happy to share. The problem i notice is creating a system that enables some structure and encourages continuity.

When Jg has uploaded a few videos like this there is not much response and they are lost. Maybe they were too difficult and basic but nice falsetas are needed? Perhaps we need 6 threads for each palo.

3 for uploading videos or audio, Beginners, Intermediate and advanced... and another 3 for discussing them. This way when we want to learn something there is a thread available where we can decide on our level and every post is a falseta relating to the palo of interest. Then we don't get sidetracked by discussion. This should encourage continuity.

For example..

Thread one...Bulerias Rhythm and Falseta lessons for beginners... Videos audio tab etc..NO DISCUSSION! You upload your falseta or lesson in a single post.

Thread two... Beginners Bulerias Rhythm and Falseta lessons Discussion... This is a separate thread for any questions comments and discussion. You can go nuts here while maintaining order in the video thread.

Another thread could be ..... Falsetas and rhythm lessons for CantiƱas Intermediate...Once again NO DISCUSSION ON THIS THREAD! Any discussion could be removed by admin...

So for each palo we have

Tientos.. Beginners lessons
Tientos Intermediate lessons
Tientos Advanced lessons

Tientos Beginners lesson discussion
Tientos Intermediate lesson discusssion
tientos Advanced lesson Discussion

I think 6 threads for each palo is needed to maintain order. Once a thread is started for a style that's where you post. This could fit in with the academy idea.

That way we don't get the usual shambles that ends up with loss of continuity and more stuff lost in the matrix. Thoughts?

Munin -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 2:12:48)

Those are all great ideas, but well...you can see how the "Academy" part of the Foro ended up..I think in the end it might just be too much of a bother to people, but maybe I'm being too pessimistic [8|]

henrym3483 -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 2:38:28)

nah lets just keep it fun [:)]

KMMI77 -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 3:48:02)


nah lets just keep it fun

Fair enough. sorry to divert the thread.

henrym3483 -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 9:59:04)


Fair enough. sorry to divert the thread.

no worries, but i would say it would be good to categorize the stuff into adv intermediate and beginners levels

Adam -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 11:23:06)

Hey Henry, great idea! Would any of the falsetas from Paco's "Tientos del Mentidero" work for you? I haven't practiced them in ages but I can see if I can clean them up enough to make a video for you [:D] I agree it should be fun and relatively unstructured but just to keep things somewhat organized it might be a good idea for you to update the first post with what's being looked for, what's being offered, and maybe what falsetas are already in the thread so that when this inevitably gets, like, 50 pages long, we have some way of knowing what's going on [;)]

XXX -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 11:34:40)


When Jg has uploaded a few videos like this there is not much response and they are lost.

I agree. Many things posted here get lost. I think one reason is that its very chaotic. It is impossible to find a falseta if you dont remember a thread name. The upload section was originally intended for only member uploads.

The other reason is you dont learn a falseta because someone posted it i think. Only if it is REALLY inspiring and you have time. But mostly you learn stuff because you need it or you want to focus on that palo more.

Adam -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 11:37:50)




When Jg has uploaded a few videos like this there is not much response and they are lost.

I agree. Many things posted here get lost. I think one reason is that its very chaotic. It is impossible to find a falseta if you dont remember a thread name. The upload section was originally intended for only member uploads.

This is why I suggested the original post being updated to include what's here and maybe what page it's on. That shouldn't be too hard and is much easier than making a bunch of separate threads.


The other reason is you dont learn a falseta because someone posted it i think. Only if it is REALLY inspiring and you have time. But mostly you learn stuff because you need it or you want to focus on that palo more.

That seems really personal. If someone posts a falseta here and I think it's cool, I'll probably give it a go.

XXX -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 11:43:58)

I very much like the idea of having threads WITHOUT ANY TALKING so that we can keep it small in size, thus easy to search and find, but large of valuable information. The discussion can take place in other threads.


I think it's cool, I'll probably give it a go.

Exactly, when i "give it a go" i dont learn the falseta properly and i forget how to play it in less than one month or so. Thats very time intensive and i have really stopped doing that. I have waisted too much time in learning half stuff.

Adam -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 11:56:58)

Fair point, Deniz, but I think this thread as it's currently conceived works fine. Those who want a certain falseta can ask for it here, and anyone else can take as much or as little as they please. Discussion in separate threads means if you see a falseta and want to know what people are saying about it you have to dig around like crazy. Too much work and I don't think you gain enough in return. It works and is easiest as it is now. And hell, it just wouldn't be much fun without any discussion.

Anyway, on to the next topic: is it just me or does the title of this thread look at first glance way too much like a "falseta sweat shop"? I just have images in my mind of underpaid Malaysian children cracking out cheap falsetas for 14 hours a day...

XXX -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 12:03:11)

Ramparts, im not too crazy about it just do what you want. Either way is fine for me. Im just saying i did NOT tried to abolish any discussion. Its just about a better organization for better "archieving" things. Im not going to search 14 or whatever pages in a cante thread for example, only in hope of maybe trying to find something useful.

KMMI77 -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 12:08:48)

So the idea is to make this thread like the cante accompaniment one but for falsetas? Maybe we should call it the share a falseta thread?

El Kiko -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 12:12:21)

I dont think you need to divide it up into Beg/inter/advanc just by palo . have an area with no disscussion for uploading examples of one palo (Tientos for example)
Anybody can look at these and decide for themselves if they want to have a go at it, there could be a different area to talk about that palo or get more info
I think this is a terrific idea and I do look for stuff like that on youtube anyway, I would be happy to put stuff up in quite a few palos, I would just have to double check it all to make double sure it was correct before posting,,,

Ron.M -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 12:17:42)


is it just me or does the title of this thread look at first glance way too much like a "falseta sweat shop"? I just have images in my mind of underpaid Malaysian children cracking out cheap falsetas for 14 hours a day...

HaHa!!! [:D][:D]...

That happens to me sometimes.

The last one for me was "Beginners Challenge Fail 2010" [:D][:D]

("Fall" is not used for Autumn here, so I'm not used to seeing it)

Once it stuck in my head, it wouldn't go away!



KMMI77 -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 12:27:39)


The last one for me was "Beginners Challenge Fail 2010"

[:D][:D] my brain kept seeing that as well. I think i have watched way to many fail vids on you tube.

Adam -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 12:38:40)



Ramparts, im not too crazy about it just do what you want. Either way is fine for me. Im just saying i did NOT tried to abolish any discussion. Its just about a better organization for better "archieving" things. Im not going to search 14 or whatever pages in a cante thread for example, only in hope of maybe trying to find something useful.

Hi Deniz, I get that but I still think my original idea - have Henry or another mod just edit his original post to include a new falseta when it's posted (i.e. put "tientos falseta on page 13" when someone ups a tientos falseta on page 13) would create the best-organized system with the least hassle.

rombsix -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 13:34:01)

Here's some solea.

Anyone got some fandangos?

Grisha -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 17:55:57)

What about creating a catalog of uploaded falsetas that will provide this information:

Numeric number assigned to falseta following the order in which it was uploaded (can include letters "b", "i", and "a" for difficulty level)
Uploader's name

Put all the uploads in a separate thread with no comments allowed, have another single thread for discussions, and maybe one more for simple falseta requests and offers that will simply provide information on the palo, tonality, placement within a palo, difficulty level and techniques employed.

I like this idea a lot and I think it's a good way for me to get involved more in this forum that I really like. [:)]

Ron.M -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 17:56:12)

Beautiful, Ramzi!

Just goes to show that the easier stuff can still sound right THERE!



Andy Culpepper -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 18:01:17)

I like this a lot, I think Grisha's idea is good. I have a million little things I could upload

Ron.M -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 18:04:51)

Hi Grisha,

A Guid New Year Tae Ye...[:D]

Yeah, you mean make a catalogue of uploaded stuff, where no one is allowed to comment?

Yes, I think that would work, but would require a "librarian" to keep the records up to date.

Would Henry like to volunteer for this?

(Let's face it, he doesn't do anything else, the lazy Irish swine and his PM box is always full 'cos he canny even be bothered clearing it out...[;)][:D][:D][:D])



Adam -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 18:06:47)

Grisha's idea's pretty good but I'd modify it to have something like one thread per falseta instead, discussion and all (or, if I may sound like a broken record, have everything in one thread and just index the falsetas in the first post).

There's just not much good in having falsetas separate from the thread where they're being discussed; if someone comes back more than a week or two after a falseta's posted and wants to see what people had to say about it, good luck finding and then combing through a completely separate thread for it. And heaven forbid anyone wants to comment on a falseta after another one's been posted! It'll be a complete mess.

Grisha -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 18:07:27)

Sounds really good, Ramzi! Very ralaxed and easy to follow. Cool rasgueado there too...

I think the person uploading the falseta can make the post in the catalogue as well following one simple format.

ramparts, I am just afraid of being drowned in the multiple threads.

Ron.M -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 18:12:04)


There's just not much good in having falsetas separate from the thread where they're being discussed; if someone comes back more than a week or two after a falseta's posted and wants to see what people had to say about it, good luck finding and then combing through a completely separate thread for it. And heaven forbid anyone wants to comment on a falseta after another one's been posted! It'll be a complete mess.

I see what you are saying thaar, ramparts...

OK, how about if the Archive list just contains Grisha's info, plus a hyperlink to the beginning of each thread....but with no comments allowed on the Archive list?



Adam -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 18:14:41)

Ron - Yeah, that could make the most sense.

Adam -> RE: Falseta Swop Shop? (Jan. 1 2011 18:15:59)

Grisha - yeah, I get that it could be a problem to have too many threads. In that case, as I said, I think by far the easiest solution is to just have one thread (rather than two).

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