Funny bulerias clip (Full Version)

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El_Herrero77 -> Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 6 2010 4:30:57)

This guy is hilarious. I do not know what to make of it...

Ron.M -> RE: Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 6 2010 4:52:27)

Looks like he's been taking Flamenco lessons from Julian Bream. [:-]

I'm still not really sure if it's meant to be a joke or what..or there's something wrong with him?



Elie -> RE: Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 6 2010 5:17:39)

at first I thought that he's handicapped or something like that [8|]
but later I read the title * Vienna Concert Nov 24th 2009 * and I realized that he is serious .[:@]
u know I don't blame him, apparently he is used to make a joke of him self , I blame the audience who were takin photos of him and clappin at the end instead of throwing tomatoes or some pairs of shoes at him .[8D]

M.S.A. -> [Deleted] (Jun. 6 2010 5:20:00)

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XXX -> RE: Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 6 2010 5:48:46)

I like this more

M.S.A. -> [Deleted] (Jun. 6 2010 7:37:50)

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gj Michelob -> RE: Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 6 2010 8:09:25)


This guy is hilarious. I do not know what to make of it...

Great find, El_Herrero. This video could illustrate the clinical consequences of suffering physical seizures and spasms during a performance.

More importantly, however, it conclusively settles the question on the vast technical (and cultural) differences separating classical from flamenco guitar.

M.S.A. -> [Deleted] (Jun. 6 2010 8:11:31)

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Arash -> RE: Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 6 2010 8:23:49)

Wannabe Diego de Moron or what? [:D]
Well, he got the "Moron" part for sure !

M.S.A. -> [Deleted] (Jun. 6 2010 8:40:55)

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Ron.M -> RE: Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 6 2010 9:02:45)

It must be tongue-in-cheek or something surely?

I mean that guitar looks (and sounds) to me like a very cheap factory job.

He surely can't be a serious concert guitarist?

Maybe he tells jokes and funny stories as his main act? [:-]



Arash -> RE: Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 6 2010 9:12:59)

Seams like he has those spastic face expressions only when he plays flamenco, cause here he is quite normal [:D]

Ron.M -> RE: Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 6 2010 9:17:44)

That sounds quite nice actually...

That must be his brother or something?

I can't believe this is the same guy in the Bulerias video!



Arash -> RE: Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 6 2010 9:18:46)

its the same guy, with hairs, and with some kilos more

El_Herrero77 -> RE: Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 6 2010 17:56:04)

Hey Ron,

It seems when he gets on the stage, he gets a little "lose" or perhaps too lose. However, as the saying goes to each his own. lol
What amazes me the most is that he actually got a crowed to watch him play a couple of very basic put toguether bulerias compases taken right of the Graf Martinez flamenco book.
At first, I thought the guy may had been mentally challenged, but as I watched some more of his videos he actually looks pretty normal. Unless he starts doing weird things.

Mike_Kinny -> RE: Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 6 2010 22:44:24)

Funny guys [:D]

Pimientito -> RE: Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 6 2010 23:21:34)

[:D][:D] Yeah but there is a huge difference between someone who is funny because they genuinely cant play and the Olé act. Marcial Heredia (Chonchis brother) is a phenomenal player and a natural clown. He has one one of the most brutal Alzapua techniques (apart from Gerardo) that I have ever seen. They spent years rehearsing that show, juggling guitars, playing in compas while juggling oranges, ping pong balls and flaming torches. They had gags withing gags: they travelled with a huge amount of joke guitars, some that threw fire and one that even had a vacuum cleaner in it.

Antonio Forcione isnt a flamenco player but none the less another phenomenal musician. You try copying any of the guitar juggling act and see how easy it is (they use cheap chinese guitars to practise) The point is that I think the shows are so funny is because even though they are clowning around, its clear that there is genuine virtuosity holding the whole thing together.

One of the biggest problems with the Olé show was that those guys didnt know when the stage ended and real life started. They were like that in real life off stage too. There must be 1000 Olé stories some of which I daren't write but an example is the number of times they were temporarily arrested at various international airports. Once they decided to superglue their passports to their foreheads open at the identity page. Another time they ended up doing a loop on the luggage carousel and went through the barrier into the loading area. When they came through again they were sat in their underwear on top of their suitcases smoking cigars. Paul marroco used to carry pingball balls in his mouth for fun and fire them at people randomly. He could fire a ping pong ball at someones forehead in the middle of a bar and catch it back in his mouth again.
Another time the Olé tour bus crashed into the reception lobby of the hotel....the list goes on.

Ron.M -> RE: Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 7 2010 0:58:31)


What amazes me the most is that he actually got a crowed to watch him play a couple of very basic put toguether bulerias compases taken right of the Graf Martinez flamenco book.

Hi Herrero,

Sadly, that's fairly common practice in my experience in Folk clubs etc anyway!
They would never dream of presenting, say, Classical music full of mistakes like this... but because THEY don't understand what they're playing, they assume the audience doesn't understand it either. (which is nearly always the case).

I've seen all sorts of folk appearing on stage (even on the Radio & TV!) with things like Sitars and unusual foreign folk instruments and after giving a rather condescending talk on the history of the instrument and music, proceed to play the most utter rubbish, relying on the unfamiliarity of the sound to carry the "performance".

Meanwhile the audience think they are being treated to something special and applaud rapturously.[:D]

I think the expression is "the blind leading the blind".

As you can see from YouTube, there are so many guitarists who have got a complete misunderstanding of Flamenco yet consider themselves very advanced players of the music.

If you dare to question their lack of compás or lack of understanding of the form, you are often called a "snob" and are only being pedantic.[:D]



XXX -> RE: Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 7 2010 1:15:32)



I don't know Deniz, if you know Antonio Forcione, but he is considered to be a really quality guitar player. he actually doesn't play any flamenco, or anything even close

I dont know him, i was saying i like it more in the sense that i find that to be funnier.
The guys from the ole video seemed to be good guitarrists.

M.S.A. -> [Deleted] (Jun. 7 2010 1:48:39)

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Stu -> RE: Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 7 2010 2:10:29)


I can't believe this is the same guy in the Bulerias video

thats bono!! but then hes a moron too!![:D]

M.S.A. -> [Deleted] (Jun. 7 2010 2:24:07)

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Stu -> RE: Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 7 2010 6:32:13)


no Stu, you're right when not believing it -Antonio Forcione [ITALY] is not Marek Tomaszewicz [POLAND]. the first is a great guitar player, the other one sort of unaware entertainer I heard about first time just yesterday in this thread. (:

thanks... but..... its not me that doesnt believe it. I was quoting Ron from his post regarding the second video of the polish oddball guy. (in which i think he looks like bono!

im also well aware that odd bald dude is different from forcione!

M.S.A. -> [Deleted] (Jun. 7 2010 6:41:29)

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Ron.M -> RE: Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 7 2010 6:44:12)


that odd bald dude

"El Bombilla de Viena" [:D]

Rain -> RE: Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 7 2010 13:29:51)

i am the best guitar player in the world , but some rednecks like you do not get it .
If You dont like my videos , just dont watch it and simply **** off...

Apparently Merek cannot handle the truth, and his claim to be the greatest guitarist in the world says much about his mental capacity.

M.S.A. -> [Deleted] (Jun. 7 2010 15:35:07)

Post has been moved to the Recycle Bin at Feb. 28 2011 23:02:55

El_Herrero77 -> RE: Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 7 2010 20:53:09)

Lately every time I am in need of a laugh I just look at this guy's flamenco videos. Here is another one: Garrotin... lol

HemeolaMan -> RE: Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 7 2010 21:49:37)

he is a spastic classical guitarist. as you can see, he has a raised fingerboard. this is not something a flamenco would have.

mark indigo -> RE: Funny bulerias clip (Jun. 8 2010 1:17:04)


This guy is hilarious. I do not know what to make of it...

unfortunately this is some classical guitarists (not all) idea of flamenco

i was once introduced to a classical guitarist who said to me "flamenco - that is hitting the guitar while drunk"

some people think gurning and headbanging is supposed to be "expressive" but as you can see they just look stoopid[:D]

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