Arash -> RE: British Petroleum Makes me SICK (May 18 2010 23:24:11)
Sure, we are all guilty. I agree to that to a certain point. Same reasons were mentioned when we had the global financial crisis. Many people said , if there would be no buyers of those toxic assets (ordinary people like you and me who wanted to make few bucks easy and fast), then there would be also no sellers (banks). So, don't blame the banks and the goverments, blame the 5 billion greedy people living on this planet. So, yes we are all guilty. Well, that sounds like a very nice self critisism. Ole to all of you. But here is the difference between my thoughts and yours: We are humans. And those in power know our weaknesses (both psychologically and physically) and misuse them 24 hours a day for their own Joy!. Hell, there are even special schools who teach how to arouse something from nothing! Don't tell me that the ordinary Joe requested super markets and shops with millions of different types of cheese, bread, plastic toys, and everything else which nobody really needs but simply buys because he is bombarded daily with all the unnecessary crap and the brain simply gives up after a while and buys that sh!t. Don't tell me that some plain worker had the idea to go to the bank and ask for toxic assets. He was surely visited and manipulated, till he signed the contract (and of course did his part for the crisis) Don't tell me that people asked for the brilliant "cash for clunkers" idea to buy a new car, even though their previous car was good enough. Look, i have a BMW, a LCD TV, a Bluray player and all the other plastic crap which were made out of oil, which nobody really needs. Yes, thats my part of the guilt. But i am not going to be responsible for the cold war, the war in Iraq with millions of dead people, and all the other crap which happened in the past and which for sure will also happen in the future. I should be living on an Island with no electricity, just a vegetable garden, some sheep and a fireplace and just my wooden guitar (hey Ricardo, actually someone killed some nice brazillian Palisanto and Cypress Trees for your guitars and mine too lol) But man, there is NO WAY to escape from all the crap surrounded by you. its everywhere. you are forced to do what everybody does. and if you don't , then you are simply an Alien on earth and seperated from the rest of the society. thats the trick. you can't brake the cycle. The problem is, as soon as part of humans have power, they want more. Then a sick GAME starts. They gamble with the lives of everybody (and even sometimes with their own lives) We humans are sick and are all guilty for sure. But SOME are REAL PSYCHOS! And unfortunately those Psychos are not stupid, but the most "brilliant" minds.