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sig -> Bio... (Jan. 25 2010 9:18:54)

Hola Fellow Flamenco's,
I was wondering if you could help me with some ideas for my Bio for a web site as i'm not sure how to start. I have been performing with a local dance group over the past year and they invited me to offically join however they would like to post a bio.

The problem is that I don't have a big resume of experience. This is my first true gig getting paid, not much btw, plus i'm still learning however its a first step.

How does one author a bio that is based in fact yet may need some embellishment? I don't want to mislead anyone so I hope you understand where i'm coming from. I have been playing guitar for over 20 years and Flamenco for the past 10 or so. I have been taking lessons for over 7 years and accompanying dance classes for the past 2 years.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

Florian -> RE: Bio... (Jan. 25 2010 9:44:00)

Well just focus on the positives.....

etc.. playing guitar 20 years...or flamenco 10 years

name some past performances that you were in that sound good ( even if you werent paid..they wont know that)

if you did any worshops with anyone who might be recognised..(dancer or guitarrist or whatever mention that)

list some of the flamenco schools and teachers you were involved with..

list some of your musical influences, albums that influenced you ...etc..

its just like a dont lie...but you make the truth sound bigger and leave out the parts that might not look so good on paper

and if you dont have enough you can always have a litlle mini story of how you began playing guitar or flamenco and what drew you to it..etc..

Sig a dedicated performer, fan and student of flamenco

From the moment Sig heard <insert album> he knew that he wanted to play flamenco..he was instantly drown in by the beauty, purity, passion and honesty of flamenco... and began his love affair with Flamenco and in <date> began his jurney of exploring and studying this art wich took Sig to Spain to experience and study flamenco first hand from its place and people of origin..( if you visited spain)

In <insert date> Sig joined the <name> flamenco school and began working with ..etc etc..

you get the point....if you have names use names .... if not just make it more like a story about your jurney

know what i mean ? you are not a beginner are the new face to performing...they both say the same thing only the last one dosent specifie ..leaves room for more favourable interpretation...without you needing to lie...theres no point telling the truth if the truth is going to work against what a bio is sopossed to do in the first place

afterall the bio is sopossed to sell you...dont lie but try to use what u have to sell yourself...if something works against you on paper leave it out or focus on something else.. dosent have to be that long...between 8 and 15 lines is plenty IMO
(look at the length of the others bio on the website)

hope it helps a litlle

sig -> RE: Bio... (Jan. 25 2010 11:27:38)

Thanks for the quick reply! I really appreciate your thoughts and I'm sure i'll plagarize your ideas!!
Muchas Gracias,

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