Flamenco Radio Station (Full Version)

Foro Flamenco: http://www.foroflamenco.com/
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- - - Flamenco Radio Station: http://www.foroflamenco.com/fb.asp?m=12126


Ron.M -> Flamenco Radio Station (Sep. 26 2004 20:34:02)

Dimitri (who used to run FT.com) has started an Internet Radio Station.
Very good stuff!
You don't have to sit through a half hour of crap and advertising before you hear something decent.
All good stuff from his own personal collection.
The bad news is, at the moment it only supports 10 on line users, so I guess I'm shooting myself in the foot by advertising this LOL!
What a generous soul I am. [:D]



Jon Boyes -> RE: Flamenco Radio Station (Sep. 28 2004 10:03:26)


Dimitri (who used to run FT.com) has started an Internet Radio Station.

Thanks for the heads up Ron, this is great!

Jon (turned on, tuned in and burned out[:D])

NP: Manolo Sanlucar, Guajira

Update: Well Dimitri is certainly liberally minded[:)] Lots of fringe material here.

Just heard this crazy flamenco-prog rock fusion piece, nice flamenco style rhythm guitar with distorted electric guitar crunching along Metallica style in the background, then lots of widdly solos and unison runs with time signature changes. That should raise a few eyebrows[:D]

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