Advice for beginners? (Full Version)

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CarloAntonioJuan -> Advice for beginners? (Nov. 17 2009 1:39:28)

If they say Flamenco learning is all about learning by ear and by heart, getting used to compas and aire?

How...can you learn if you're 5,000 kms away from Spain!?

I mean, what influence could you have in a non-Flamenco country striving to be a true flamenco guitarist, singer, dancer?

Guys what are your advices for people like me? (get ready to spend a lot, i guess)

Ron.M -> RE: Advice for beginners? (Nov. 17 2009 6:26:33)


Don't despair!
Things have changed a hundredfold since 30-40 years ago, when I had to write (snail mail) to the Offices of Radio Nacional de España in Madrid and ask them for the address of a shop where I could buy an LP of Paco de Lucia!
(My local record shops could not even order it for me!)

I then had to write to the shop and get an International Money Order from the Bank etc.
The whole transaction took a month![:D]

Nowadays you have access to recordings from heaps of Artists online, plus heaps of teaching material in the form of books and DVDs and excellent online teaching courses like the one run by Jason McGuire.

A visit to Spain is great for the morale and enthusiasm, but not absolutely essential to learn the basics.
In fact you will absorb more once you understand the forms and can follow what's going on.

(Lot's of guitarists here in the UK learned blues guitar without a single visit to the Southern USA!)

Also on this Forum you have access to lots of other Flamenco guitarists, both Amateur and Professional.

So don't worry.

Just listen to LOTS of stuff.



Anders Eliasson -> RE: Advice for beginners? (Nov. 17 2009 8:29:51)

You dont have to spend a lot.

This foro is free and full of helpfull people uploading videos and mp3 of all kinds of stuff. Another good source is youtube where you can find many free lessons. Some very good ones and some not so good ones.
If you are willing to pay a bit, Jason McGuire has a lot of material all levels on his website.
Better would be to get a good teacher. Maybe there´s one close to you and he might be better than the ones I can find here in Spain.

Ronb says listen. I agree and will only add: play a lot and have patience. Its not something you learn from one day to another, living in Spain or New Zealand.

Good luck

por medio -> RE: Advice for beginners? (Nov. 18 2009 2:53:45)

From a guitarist's perspective, listen a lot, and when you listen, feel what flamenco really SOUNDS like.

I don't mean what chords they are playing in what rhythm (which are important of course), but HOW they are played and the meaning of what you are playing.

Dancing would be the same. Focus on NOT where the arms go or what beats or steps you are supposed to do, but on what the intention of what your action is.

In another words aim to understand what FLAMENCO really is, and what it feels like to be playing/singing/dancing Flamenco and not some twelve bar beat thing.

I don't think this is easy to understand as an outsider (this was certainly difficult for me and I still have to try quite hard to carry it within me!). I suggest that you get a teacher and if you are lucky enough, you will find a teacher who will convey what Flamenco really is and feels like.

Remember, you could play/dance/sing the most simple thing and it could be Flamenco. You just have to know what Flamenco is!

I hope all this makes sense... [8D]

kozz -> RE: Advice for beginners? (Nov. 18 2009 6:26:19)

Pay attention to compas straight from the beginning, don't think it'll come easy so just start straight'll save you some headbanging moments in the future.

XXX -> RE: Advice for beginners? (Nov. 18 2009 7:03:47)

Nope, sorry its not possible. The limit is 1800kms (you need to measure it from Madrid). I am at 1798kms distance.

Anders Eliasson -> RE: Advice for beginners? (Nov. 18 2009 8:16:39)

Wrong Deniz.

You meassure from Lebrija or Utrera. Still a lot of discussion on that subject. Both midways between Sevilla and Jerez.

So you´re out... You´ll never get it[&:]

n85ae -> RE: Advice for beginners? (Nov. 18 2009 8:43:49)

You don't need to become a 'true flamenco guitarist', who cares? You can
become a good guitarist who can play flamenco. I think it's a mistake setting
out just to be exactly one thing, that you might not be anyway. Just try to
absorb what you can from the things you like. Then you'll become what you
are good at.


XXX -> RE: Advice for beginners? (Nov. 18 2009 9:21:01)

Anders, we both are wrong.

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