Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Full Version)

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n85ae -> Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 15 2009 13:41:03)

Well, after a couple years on D'Addario's, I decided to retry Luthier 20's on
my PDM Blanca a couple weeks ago.

For the first time in a few years I broke a string. Tsk, tsk. guess the
Luthier's just aren't as tough.

Which reminds me of the Labella blacks, that I used to break all the time.


Doitsujin -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 15 2009 21:58:58)

But the negative point about daddario strings is, they get bad tone fastly... Luthier hold much longer and sound much better IMO. You could try Hannabach black if you like the colour. La bella strings are cheap crap.. .. whatever calls itself flamenco-strings should no be trusted. Maybe they are produced by some kids in China.
And keep the hands away from augustine blue. They use to break already in the package.

n85ae -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 16 2009 5:39:14)

Actually I still have 5 sets of Luthier, so I'll keep using them for a while. They
do sound nice, I was just grumbling because the string broke. The D'Addario's
certainly don't sound as bright, but they kind of settle into a medium between
good and bad, and stay like that forever.

With LaBella's I have had a lot of them snap, and mostly the G string, and while
they were in the case almost every time.


Anders Eliasson -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 16 2009 23:35:30)

Wich string did you break?

I bought 10 sets of L30 from stringsbymail and all the first strings broke. They didn´t even reach pitch or broke within one day. I tried them on various guitars...

I contacted stringsbymail and they said they would do something about it, which they didn´t. I´ve been a costumer there for more than 5 years buying 20+ sets of strings a year. But it seams they dont care. All business that gets to big end up like that?

frhout -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 17 2009 6:07:25)

Try Lord of the Strings from Holland. I only bought once with them, but I'll definitely do so again.

n85ae -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 17 2009 7:53:48)

It was the D string that broke. Stringsybymail is in my hometown, Ann Arbor, and
as far as I know it is a small business run out of a house. :) I might be wrong
but I think they're very small. I always buy strings from them as the price is
right, and they've always been friendly. Given where you're located Anders's
I might try somebody closer.


gshaviv -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 17 2009 8:29:17)


Try Lord of the Strings from Holland. I only bought once with them, but I'll definitely do so again.

Comparing prices, stringsbymail is way cheaper than lord of the strings. I've never had issues with stringsbymail, maybe Anders you should write them again, or call them (their number is on the site, I like businesses that give an actual phone number), don't give up too easy on them.

HemeolaMan -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 17 2009 8:39:27)

strings by mail is run by two brothers out of a small place. they recently relocated and updated their website. 've actually met brad. Try emailing them again. Brad for sure is a good guy and he will make right by it.

Mike_Kinny -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 17 2009 10:14:22)


Well, after a couple years on D'Addario's, I decided to retry Luthier 20's on
my PDM Blanca a couple weeks ago.

For the first time in a few years I broke a string. Tsk, tsk. guess the
Luthier's just aren't as tough.

Based on my experience Luthier last long enough though not as long as D'Addario.
Savarez breaks in a few days in my hands.

Mike_Kinny -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 17 2009 10:19:32)


you should write them again, or call them (their number is on the site, I like businesses that give an actual phone number), don't give up too easy on them.

And say what? Why Luthier first strings broke? After all it's not stringsbymail that made the strings [:D]

Anders Eliasson -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 17 2009 10:47:38)

I will contact stringsbymail again. But no hurry. This happened in January and I will buy strings again within some month. So I will contact them, tell them my story (again) and see what happens. They choose if they want me as a costumer. I´m not trying to make a fuzz about this. No way. I never had problems with them before, but it stroke me that the first time there were problems, they just smeared me and never replyed back. Its not a good way of doing things.

Besides, It was strange with all the first strings breaking. I even tried them on a guitar where I have used L30 many times without problems. 2 seconds and sploing. rewinding with the now shorter string: sploing. Trying another new string, Sploing etc...... Its my job to put strings on guitars, so I felt like doing idiots work and I didnt even get payed for it.[8|]

Ron.M -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 17 2009 10:50:16)

This conversation is both odd and interesting....

In 30 years or so I've NEVER had a string break!

(Well...maybe a 3 month old Savarez D string, with broken windings that's just given up the ghost!)

Never had a treble break....EVER!

Hell...to break nylon you need a helluva lot of tension.... or a sharp edge on the saddle, fret or nut to slowly eat in and weaken it....

Unless the string makers just don't give a sh*t anymore (like most companies these days). [:D]

Glad to see even Anders is getting older and grumpier too! [;)]

HaHa! [:D]



n85ae -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 17 2009 11:40:07)

I've had LaBella black trebles break on both my Pedro De Miguel's while they
were cased. But never while playing. AND multiple times.

I've never broken one while playing, this last D string broke with the guitar
sitting on it's stand in the corner of the room. It just went 'bang!'

Have never had a D'Addario break though. On the other hand they never
sound very special either.


Ron.M -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 17 2009 11:47:47)


I've had LaBella black trebles break on both my Pedro De Miguel's while they
were cased. But never while playing. AND multiple times.

That would indicate that the guitar is haunted by a poltergeist and not actually a true fault of either the string or guitar.

Best advice is to drill a soundport, to act as a kind of cat-flap, so it can leave without going through the main entrance, which both cats and poltergeists abhor.

(Actually, drilling a soundport in the case as well, would be of added benefit in these kind of issues IMO.)



xirdneH_imiJ -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 17 2009 13:07:16)

i recommend these

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n85ae -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 17 2009 13:15:29)

Not sure if this would help, but perhaps a few Garlic cloves in the case
for double duty as humidifier's, and poltergeist deterrent ...


n85ae -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 17 2009 13:16:52)

Hannabach mediums already feel like Bridge Tension cables, so I think not.


i recommend these

at_leo_87 -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 17 2009 19:47:41)

yes, get a sound port so you can vent the evil out.

i had high E strings break on their own. kinda scary at night. POP!

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edguerin -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 17 2009 21:41:15)


That would indicate that the guitar is haunted by a poltergeist and not actually a true fault of either the string or guitar.

Best advice is to drill a soundport, to act as a kind of cat-flap, so it can leave without going through the main entrance, which both cats and poltergeists abhor.

(Actually, drilling a soundport in the case as well, would be of added benefit in these kind of issues IMO.)

I don't think it can be a poltergeist. They're known for making noises and throwing things around. I believe it's a duende

Ricardo -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 18 2009 8:04:13)

You guys breaking strings should probably change em more frequently and be careful of climate and temperature changes where you have your guitar. I only break strings if they are old of I don't keep track of the humidity or environment of my instrument. (Yeah it happens I leave it out on the stand, in case, or in and out of the cold weather etc). Of course EVERY brand I have ever used has had a bad string in the set. But I dont' blame the entire make and line on one or 2 bad strings considering how much I change em. I will say I have had bad intonation on G strings, but never broke one.


n85ae -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 18 2009 9:32:30)

Two week old Luthier's, should I be changing them more often???? :)

Mike_Kinny -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 19 2009 1:15:17)


Hell...to break nylon you need a helluva lot of tension.... or a sharp edge on the saddle, fret or nut to slowly eat in and weaken it....

Definitely. Once I cut string slots on the saddle to experiment with string spacing and guess what. The high E string broke a few times while tuning to the pitch. Smoothing the slot edges with a fine sandpaper solved the problem.

Anders Eliasson -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 19 2009 8:06:06)


Hell...to break nylon you need a helluva lot of tension.... or a sharp edge on the saddle, fret or nut to slowly eat in and weaken it....

Or you need a bad string. When you break ten 1st strings (various times) from the same brand in a very short time using 4 or 5 different guitars.... Then there´s something wrong with the string.
I did, of course check the guitars and their saddlebones and besides, they all broke where the string passes over itself. So where it broke it wasnt even in touch with anything else but itself. Also, when changing to another brand, no problem......

mrMagenta -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 19 2009 9:48:27)

I've only had one nylon string break on my flamenco guitar, but it whipped the top of the guitar and left a scar. It broke on a sharp edge at the front of the tie block (12-hole bridge). [:'(][:'(]

gato -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 19 2009 21:29:02)

I wipe down my guitar with rosin to keep the wood hot, and though it plays beautifully, and it dosen't get sluggish at all, any treble e is going to snap after a couple of weeks at a time. The nylon string just gets weak and it snaps. Though I do not reccomend to just any one, do this, your strings will have a tendency for that, but as for me it's just the treble e. Any kind of Isotope may have that affect on your strings. Though I don't think that any or a lot of you do this, gamma will affect your strings.

Ricardo is right, so think about what the environmental conditions are and even so what goes on or evn around the guitar and most of all remember that no string was meant to last forever, and even the temperment in your playing style can affect string life.

HemeolaMan -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 19 2009 22:16:16)

I don't break strings... i use the wire from the brake lines of bicycles and the tow cables on battleships instead of nylon. usually works [:D]

Ron.M -> RE: Oh disaster, I broke a string! (Sep. 20 2009 2:03:58)


Any kind of Isotope may have that affect on your strings. Though I don't think that any or a lot of you do this, gamma will affect your strings.

I'm afraid don't quite follow this post, Gato?? [:-]

What isotope? .....And what sort of effect will gamma have...and where is this gamma coming from?

Maybe they should treat the strings with depleted Uranium in order to toughen them up? [:D]



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