fakeing it !! (Full Version)

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minordjango -> fakeing it !! (Aug. 19 2009 16:51:34)

hey folks .

in canada once i purchases a ramirez copy it was a great little guitar, recently i found a market in Asia that has classical guitars (Greg smallman) with the same bracing system, for 500USD a pop!, and they are incredible for that matter.

im interested what if any ideas yu folks have on this Asian markets copying guiatrs ?? lets not forget toddk's brune is from the asturias workshop in japan ?

over to you all

TANúñez -> RE: fakeing it !! (Aug. 19 2009 19:01:58)

Are you saying there is an Asia firm selling fake Greg Smallman's?

minordjango -> RE: fakeing it !! (Aug. 21 2009 17:14:52)

hey tommy ,
i most certainly am, im going to check it out personally , and they involve the double bracing system !! they said id be very impressed with the quality !!!.

well they cost about 700 usd $$ which i can tell you dealing in business in china maybe $300, after negotiation,
i have played a few smallmans, it sounds craZy , they also have flamenco guitar too,

china is insane i mean in well a myriad of ways!! but smallmans ??

Exitao -> RE: fakeing it !! (Aug. 21 2009 17:33:56)

Just to be clear though, they're saying this is based on that design and/or openly call it a knock-off right?

They don't actually try to pass it off as the real thing, right?

China is crazy this way. In many ways they don't care about patents and copyrights and can and do make very good versions of things.

The value of labour, even the skilled labour of a luthier in China is very cheap. But there is skilled labour out there to be exploited if you can brign them the ideas.

minordjango -> RE: fakeing it !! (Aug. 21 2009 19:09:36)


patents and copyrights

those words are not really understood the way we understand them thats for sure, and example being i can go and buy say a dvd of a live concert for 50Cents anywhere, a fake apple ipod 15$ 8 GB,

fake rolex 3 for 5$.

they are not passibg it of as the real thing , thye are just saying its based on the smallman, when i played a smallman, it was like wow !! , everynote was so special , i don't think they can duplicate that , maybe looks etc and basic design but we will see

i bought a Chinese telecaster cost me about 65$usd , its actually not bad at all.

i never like the exploitation that ive seen in china, yet thats a huge topic, not get into that here , can yuou imagine a smallman, for a few 100%% at last i can get out of debt hehe

Mike_Kinny -> RE: fakeing it !! (Aug. 22 2009 0:35:46)

Chinese can copy anything. However since they go for cheapest possible solution the same product can range from excellent to useless. They have no quality control.

When you buy a Chinese Gotoh copy you can be lucky and receive a product that works as well as the original, or be less lucky and get a product that looks like original but works not so good or more often get a product that falls apart after the first use.

So it's like lottery either you save 70% of the price of Gotoh or you lose 30% plus shipping cost.

minordjango -> RE: fakeing it !! (Aug. 22 2009 1:08:38)

ah mike your spot-on not sure how many times ive mentioned its a lottery situation .

i guess i sent a few emails off to the fellow, and I mentioned that i had tried a few smallman guitars (I mean original) , and he said you will not be dissapointed?? which amuses me, how can someone copy a work of art and sell so cheap, and to add i sent him the message in chinese , so there was no misunderstanding.

it just made me think, and there is obviously brilliant luithers here on the forum doing copys of say ramirez etc.......and doing a brilliant job also, to own a Anders would be great [:)]
anders yu could make me happy here and send me one ill send you a smallman from China [:-][:-]

Ron.M -> RE: fakeing it !! (Aug. 22 2009 8:05:17)


Chinese can copy anything.

Nearly all the PC boards used (even in big name) TVs, DVD/BluRay Home theatre systems etc are manufactured in China now, (legitamately and under licence) and are very high quality. The Japanese and Korean companies now get most of their boards and even LCD screens from there now.

I bought a complete new angle-grinder a while ago for a tenner (about $15) and it's OK for the occasional job although I probably wouldn't trust it for professional use.
That would just about cover the shipping costs of an equivalent European model even if they just gave it away at no charge! [:D]

Scary competition!



minordjango -> RE: fakeing it !! (Aug. 22 2009 8:46:21)

care ful with that axe Eugene( i mean angle -grinder) Ron,

not good with the hands, its probably the same onbe they are making the smallmanguitars with[:D]

to buy an mp5 player for under 30$usd with good headphones is incredible, so much stuff here, music equipment im still not convinced, Pc gear, and digital stuff is definitely getting there

ive also noticed a company making flamenco guitars they looked really glossy!! but really i should play them make a review, Chinese being huge im about a day train away from the company

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