Buleria compas (Full Version)

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rudy -> Buleria compas (Aug. 6 2004 18:28:16)

Hi everyone,
I'm new on the forum and thanks for letting me in!Very interesting forum...
I enjoyed all the postings...especially the audio postings.
Once I had a spanish flamencoteacher,years ago...I practice from time to time...that feeling comes back,like a virus...just hearing a falseta somewhere ...
For one reason or another,I never was interested in the buleria...Now I start to like this toque...I try to learn it...Can someone please tell me where to find these palmas rhytm(metronome)I always hear at the posted buleria audios from members?

Escribano -> RE: Buleria compas (Aug. 6 2004 18:51:09)

Welcome Rudy,
You could try the Solo Compas CDs available from several places including flamenco world


or maybe a member here has a few loops they could share?

rudy -> RE: Buleria compas (Aug. 6 2004 19:37:14)

Thanks Escri!
Found a demo on that site of 4 minutes...I'll try it.

Ron.M -> RE: Buleria compas (Aug. 6 2004 20:26:11)


that feeling comes back,like a virus...just hearing a falseta somewhere ...

I know the feeling Rudy. You can drop the guitar for years and years and then suddenly you'll hear something and think hmmm.... I wonder how he does that?
And then you become addicted again! LOL!


Well, BulerĂ­as must be the most undefinable form of the whole of Flamenco!
Everytime you think you've got it sussed, you'll hear an example of something which will totally contradict any conclusions you've come to.

Nobody can tell you what's right, but most flamencos will hear what's wrong instantly.

It's without doubt the most fascinating subject.

So keep an open mind amigo!



Florian -> RE: Buleria compas (Aug. 7 2004 7:24:58)

Hi Rudy welcome to foro flamenco.

hamia -> RE: Buleria compas (Aug. 7 2004 13:51:02)

Yes, flamenco is a bit of a drug I think. I hadn't touched the guitar for over 10 years (but listened to CDs from time to time), then read an excerpt in the newspaper of J. Webster's (?) flamenco book Duede and I've got the bug again (maybe it's some childish competitive streak - if he can do it so can I!). Anyway, at 37 I suddenly find myself buying expensive guitars and practicing very uncomfortable picado techniques. Just hope it's worth the trouble ...


rudy -> RE: Buleria compas (Aug. 7 2004 15:00:25)

In Belgium I knew some professional flamencoguitarists.One of them says flamencotechniques became too difficult(Paco,tomatito,Amigo...).So he left flamencoguitar and accompanies the fadomusic,living in Lissabon.This guy must have 61 years by now...
As for me,from time to time,I read some books about flamenco...internetsites...and wandering regularly through Andalucia...This must be some sublimation for the fact I never had the opportunity living in a flamencomilieu...But:I enjoy it,reading and so on,listening...making some friends in Jerez...or Chiclana...and after all these years,I may say I understand something about that music,having so much falsetas in my head(but quite a few in my hand)...
As for my guitar(my third one),she is always there where I can see her...and from time to time I play something(ah,that intro from the solea in old time fashion from Ramon Montoya!)...

MiBombero E -> RE: Buleria compas (Sep. 3 2004 21:07:06)

Yes but the guitar down for a long time, but you know how when you here that last song on the radio, and you can't get it out. So I gave in, heard Bulerias and said yes this is where I want to be. At 40, I want to make happy music. And how can you not be happy hearing bulerias, your foot beings to tap, your hands begin to clap, head beings to bob. Makes you want to dance. Okay.

Had first lesson with an old friend/teacher... Jason "El Rubio". I forgot how he could make me enjoy the hard work.

Play on! E

Tenshu -> RE: Buleria compas (Sep. 4 2004 8:23:37)

Rudy: you live in Belgium?

Jim Opfer -> RE: Buleria compas (Sep. 5 2004 12:31:06)

Hi Rudy, welcome to Foro.

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