Humidity in Granada (Full Version)

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krichards -> Humidity in Granada (May 12 2009 8:06:02)

I've just finished my No15 and it will be going to its new owner in a few weeks.

But I'm somewhat anxious about sending a guitar from England into the dry heat of the Andalucian summer. I control the humidity in my workshop to 55% max. typically its around 50%.

How will this guitar get on in Granada?
Will it be sufficient to keep a humidifier in the case?

Any advice much appreciated

Escribano -> RE: Humidity in Granada (May 12 2009 8:18:55)


How will this guitar get on in Granada?

I had a hydrogometer (no humidifier) in my guitar case in a valley near Granada city (alt. 700 metres) for a couple of years without issue - it varied with weather conditions as we have all four seasons down there, and cold, wet winters.
I would reckon 45-60% in its case, under the stairs away from the air-con - Anders will be able to tell you more.

johnguitar -> RE: Humidity in Granada (May 13 2009 13:02:08)

Summer in Granada can be very, very dry. In an old thick-walled house that doesn't need air conditioning it might be fine but anything else will be too hot and dry or otherwise too dry if you use air conditioning. Your client needs to be very well informed about humidifying the guitar in the case as well as trying not to use it in very dry conditions. I will soon be moving out of my old thick-walled home and also will be leaving behind a lot of the house plants. I think I will have to be more careful with my guitar there. ( It was the first one I ever made and it was made in Malaga at a higher humidity level than I use now.)

On the other hand, with just a bit of attention to the humidity the guitar should be fine.

John Ray, Granada

Anders Eliasson -> RE: Humidity in Granada (May 13 2009 23:27:59)


As John say, humidity can be very low. Normally its not a problem if the client knows how to take care of the instrument. First thing having a hygrometer and using it, next, not using or leaving the guitar in a room with aircon.

BUT, what worries me the most is that you say sending the guitar to Granada. This means that it migh be left somewhere in a open room with 20% RH for a weekend or so by the shipping company.... Thats critical
A guitar case humidifier is not a bad idea, but leaving water inside a case during shipment, where they throw around the cases like it was tourist suitcases........ I dont like that idea either.

krichards -> RE: Humidity in Granada (May 14 2009 22:54:49)

Thanks for this advice.

Its really down to the client. He will look after the guitar I'm sure.
But the shipping is more problematic as Anders says

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