Florian -> RE: Make your request for tablature here (Jan. 22 2013 18:47:54)
this forum thread is silly... I made a request and I keep getting notifications from people saying they have the tab I am looking for, but when I come here I always realize it's a reply for someone else's request. what I mean is, having one thread for all the requests is completely innefficient. the notifications are useless and even searching in the thread is a pain. this would be much better having one thread per request. that way, we would only be subscribing to notifications for the songs we are interested in. like this, this is almost unusable, a pain and a big mess. sorry lol...well sorry buddy, when i started this like 10 years ago i guess i didn't consider your feelings , tell me... what can i do to make your forum experience better ? [:)]... 24 posts in 4 years , you've earned it :-)) ...its a single thread ...i had no idea it was going to be so big and still alive today...(but anyway it seems to look after itself, if someone can help someone out they do.) quote:
this would be much better having one thread per request. and who's job is that ? are we sopossed to guess what you want in advance and make a specific thread for you to ask in ? there's nothing stopping you from making a specific thread in the tab section and asking for what you want, many have done it I would delete it but i dont wanna stuff up the guys who have just posted requests or are expecting responses ...( it never seems like a good time)..its so big it feels like its not just my own to delete whenever i decide, even tho personally i have been over it a long time ago, if i change the name now thats just going to create confusion for those who have requests down....