NormanKliman -> RE: Bulerias time signature (Feb. 6 2009 8:42:22)
Hey Mr. Magenta, I agree entirely with what Pimientito and Ricardo have said. It may seem strange, but it doesn't take long to get used to the placement of the bar lines. The only real problem that I can see is that, if you keep the score 12 beats to a staff, a lot of ideas are going to start at the end of one staff and continue on the following staff. But it doesn't take long before you "stop forgetting" that. It may seem a bit strange to insist on using the same format for a different style, but, as Ricardo's pointed out, bulerías is just a faster quarter note. It's also a good way to keep an eye on what's happening at beats 7-8 (or at least, it standardizes everything), insofar as relating it to soleá. More importantly, and to paraphrase Pimientito, every experienced flamenco you'll ever meet will agree that the first long interval falls on 12, not 1. Unless of course they reject the whole idea of assigning numbers to the beats, which is also pretty common, but I think even in those cases they would end up agreeing that "12 is 12." Changing 12 to 1 makes sense if you look at if from outside the context of flamenco (nothing wrong with that, though). Hope it's understood that I'm NOT trying to say that someone like Agujetas counts. I rarely count past 10 because it's a hassle taking off my shoes. And please don't ask me to count to 21...[:D] Once I was listening to a cassette tape of Chocolate singing soleá, and wanted to skip ahead to another part. I accidentally fast-forwarded while it was still playing, and a perfect bulerías emerged. Parts of it were more than just similar, they were perfect! Since some of those bulerías cantes come from soleá, I always thought it'd be interesting to experiment with some recordings, speeding them up (without changing pitch) to see how similar the soleás are to their bulería counterparts. IMO it's as simple as this: If it were supposed to start on 12, that beat would be called 1 instead of 12. Don't know if this has been mentioned, but I would definitely write guajiras etc. starting on the equivalent of beat 12. But not soleá, bulerías, etc, which, IMO, are a sophisticated development of the basic "3+3+2+2+2" thing that you hear in guajiras. Henrik!!! I heard some excellent toques on your site, and it's got a really cool layout, too!