mark indigo -> RE: Interesting conversation about Tendovaginitis and EL Viejin today (Feb. 25 2009 13:44:38)
this tendonitis thing, it really has a simple cause. muscles are grouped in pairs, one extends and one flexes, you can see this real easy re fingers, one muscle bends and the opposing one straightens. tendons attach muscles to bones. to bend a finger, you contract the flexor muscle and the tendon is the rope that actually pulls the bones so the finger bends. The oppsing muscle, the extensor must be relaxed while this movement happens. To straighten the finger the extensor contracts, pulls on the tendons that attach to the bones, and the flexor must be relaxed. if one muscle is still contracting while the other one is trying to contract you get "tension", and if you practise for hours and hours like this you will end up getting inflamed tendons. if you are really well co-ordinated the appropriate muscles will relax and contract at the right times, and this won't be a problem, so you can play as much as you want. improving co-ordination will help to prevent the condition, and to alleviate it if it develops (but you will also need lots of rest to get the inflammation down). if you get pain, stop and rest, don't push it. otherwise, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!